April 2018 Newsletter

RE: 2018 National Reunion

Fellow Alumni:

Good day and I pray that all is well with you and your families. Also, I thank you for your continued support and dedication to the progress of our association. I would like to thank the MD/DC/VA planning committee for all their efforts for the preparation of our upcoming reunion. I thank members of the board of trustees for their leadership. Also, I am also very appreciative of the members of the president’s advisory board for their guidance and dedication to the advancement of our association and the rebirth of our Alma mater.

As we prepare for our national reunion on September 28-30 in Maryland, here are some important information I would like to share with you:

The venue of our reunion is:

Double Tree Hotel by Hilton
890 Elkridge Landing Road
Linthicum, Maryland 21090
Tel: + 410- 684-8400
Fax: + 410-684-6778

A group block of 65 room-nights has been reserved for us at special/discounted rates i.e. King size rooms at $99/night and Double Queen size rooms at $119/night. Please note that a room-night is the same as one-night stay or room occupancy. Therefore, at an average of a twonight stay, the approximate number of rooms available at the discounted rate is about 33 rooms.

Below is the message received from the hotel and the MD/DC/VA planning committee:
Hotel reservation is confirmed for:

  • King size room $99
  • Double Queen size room $119

Option 1:
Call BWI Doubletree Group reservation @ +1-410-859-8400

Option 2:
For Online booking,  Click here

(if unable to click on the above link, copy and paste the link: https://bit.ly/2GxbK6A to the browser’s address line)

Our group code is AACHSA (AACHSA Reunion)

Please be informed that there is a glitch with the hotel link regarding the rate. for the King size room. The guaranteed rate for the King size room is $99/night, however, the link may show a different rate of $119/night.

The hotel has promised to resolve the discrepancy by manually adjusting the rate of the King size rooms to the guaranteed rate of $99/night. The Double Queen size rooms are $119/night.

For online reservation, we urge you to call the front desk for rate adjustment for King size-room reservations. Call the front desk at + 410 684-8400 and ask for the sale department manager for group booking.

We urge you to make your room reservation ASAP because there is limited number of rooms available at the discounted rates. The deadline to make reservation for available rooms at the discounted rates is August 24.

Finally, we encourage you to make your alumni dues payment of $150 ($100 alumni dues + $50 reunion fee) as soon as you can. The methods of payment are

(1) PayPal
Visit our website: http://www.aachsa.org/payment-center/2018-alumni-dues-and-reunion/

Click on the 2018 PayPal link and follow the directions to make and complete your payment

(2) Direct Deposit
Bank of America Account# 446022702144 Routing# 052001633

(pls. notify and send a copy of the deposit slip to our financial officers Immediately after the payment is made)

National treasurer: Akinofe@gmail.com
Assistant Financial Secretary: Akunrunmi@yahoo.com

(3) Mail
Mail a check to:

P.O Box 654
Lanham, MD 20703

Finally, I would like to express my utmost respect, admiration, gratitude for my colleagues on the executive board for all their sacrifice and commitment to the progress of our association. It a great honor working with these great patriots.

God bless
Up School!

Shina Oshinuga

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