All past students and teachers of the school that are living in the USA are eligible to become members of AACHSA.
Please register to become a member by completing a simple form at Compro Online web portal.
If you have previously registered but your crucial information like email address, phone number has changed, kindly email and update the information.
The rules, procedures and order of business fo the association are governed by the Constitution and By Laws which are available at:
Also, take a moment to pay your Alumni dues of $150.00 through the secure Paypal online system in less than 5 minutes.
Payment of the Annual Dues gives you the privilege to vote and to receive Fiancial Statements.
The money received is used to pay for operating and administrative expenses. Un-used money is given to the local chapter to help defray cost of hosting the annual re-union. If you have paid, Thank You! If not, please do so now. AACHSA needs you!
*Alumni members in good standing attend the Union free of charge*