March 2018 Newsletter
Fellow Alumni:
Greetings! I start by thanking you for all your support and dedication to our association and Alma mater. I would also like to express my special appreciation for the board of trustees and the president’s advisory board for their leadership and dedication. Here are some updates I would like to share with you:
I would like to remind you that our financial obligation is crucial to the advancement of our association. I urge you to visit the payment center at our website, and pay your 2018 alumni dues i.e. $150. For your information, the account balances (checking and savings i.e. endowment) of our association are available on the association’s Google Docs account.
2018 Dues: These are the three options available for the 2018 dues:
Option 1 – $150 (includes the mandatory alumni dues and the reunion fee) – The alumni dues for 2018 is a total of $150 i.e. $100 for the annual alumni dues and $50 for the reunion gala.
Option 2 – $100 (mandatory alumni dues only; this does not include the reunion fee). The $100 payment is strictly for fulfilling the mandatory annual alumni dues only i.e. it does not include the fee for the reunion festivities.
Option 3 – Generous donation/gift
Methods of Payment: For your convenience, there are three methods of payment and they are:
(1) PayPal
Visit our website ( and click on the payment center tab and select an option.
(2) Direct deposit
Bank of America: Account Number 446022702144 Routing Number 052001633
(pls. notify and send a copy the deposit slip to the treasurer immediately after payment)
(3) Mail-in
Mail your check to the association official mailing address at:
Alumni Association of Comprehensive High School, Aiyetoro (AACHSA)
P.O Box 654, Lanham, MD20703 (pls. make all checks payable to AACHSA)
National Reunion:
September 28-30, 2018
I would like to thank the members of the MD/DC/VA planning committee for all their efforts in planning our reunion. The 2018 national reunion will be held in the great state of Maryland from September 28 – September 30. Planning and preparations for the reunion are ongoing to ensure a successful and memorable reunion. We encourage you to start making all necessary preparations to attend the reunion. Please visit our website for updates ( A special newsletter will be posted as soon as we have all the details regarding the venue, and this should be coming out very soon. We encourage you to visit our website (
2018 Reunion Business Meeting
We plan to set up a page on the website to compile suggestions of issues, topics, and comments for discussion at the alumni business meeting. Topics, issues, and comments pertinent and important to the advancement of our association will be included in the agenda for the business meeting. Again, we encourage you to register on our website and be proactive in our association.
We are still in urgent need of IT or tech savvy individuals who can assist our information systems/media department. Please feel free to contact our officers at:
Finally, I would like to extend my appreciation and admiration to my colleagues, the executive board members, for all their sacrifice and dedication to the success of our association. It is an honor working with these dedicated alumni on behalf of our association.
I thank you again and God bless you.
Up Blue! Up Crimson! Up Green!
Up School!!!
Best Wishes
Shina Oshinuga
You want to read February 2018 Newsletter again? Click here